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Diet To Reduce Cholesterol Naturally

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the ruling cause of death in India, where over 54.5 million people are estimated to have cardiovascular diseases. High cholesterol levels are one of the key causes of the development of CVDs. High low-density lipoprotein (LDL or bad cholesterol), high triglycerides, and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL or good cholesterol) are the most prevalent dyslipidaemia in the country. As per ICMR, about 72% of the Indian population has low HDL levels. About 80% of Indians experience a sudden unhealthy change in lipid levels. Fortunately, you can keep your cholesterol in control by following the right healthy diet, regular exercises, and making lifestyle modifications. To help you achieve this, Health Total is at your rescue with effective cholesterol diet plans.

Nutritionists at Health Total follow a unique scientific approach to design low cholesterol Indian diet plan to suit your specific cholesterol regulation and nutrition needs. These cholesterol diet plans include a perfect combination of foods that help you meet your health needs while reducing cholesterol. Our individualized high cholesterol Indian diet plans to lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides are powered by Ayurveda and Homeopathy such that it helps to boost your HDL (good cholesterol) and prevent risks of cardiovascular diseases.

At Health Total, our expert dietician puts efforts into offering you a customised diet chart for cholesterol to help prevent the rise in LDL and triglycerides. Our health experts help you follow healthy diet and lifestyle modifications that not just regulate your cholesterol levels but also rectify your internal imbalances and underlying conditions and enhance your health in general. So, let’s have a look at what cholesterol is and how our Health Total’s low cholesterol diet plan can help you regulate it.

What Are the Best Indian Diet Plans to Reduce Your Cholesterol Naturally?

A waxy substance present in your blood is called cholesterol, which carries out essential functions, such as building up bile salts in your intestine and producing vitamin D and essential hormones that help in the developing cell walls’ structure. Thus, cholesterol is crucial for good health. For these essential body functions, the liver produces cholesterol in very small amounts. But, health issues arise due to cholesterol which builds up in your body due to the food you consume. Unhealthy foods, such as saturated fats, deep-fried foods, and trans fats in baked items contribute to high levels of bad cholesterol, which is the leading risk for the development of CVDs.

Our unique integrated approach considers your specific cholesterol levels, physical generals, and other health conditions if any and develop an individualized diet chart for cholesterol control comprising a blend of healthy foods, right nutrition, Ayurveda, and homeopathy to regulate your cholesterol and keep its hazardous effects on the heart and overall health at bay. Here’s a list of some best foods that can help reduce your cholesterol naturally.


Loaded with soluble fibre, beans not only help in lowering your cholesterol naturally but also makes you fill full for a long time. Soluble fibre binds with cholesterol and drags it out of your body before it integrates into your blood circulation.


Walnuts, almonds, and peanuts are some healthy nuts that help you keep cholesterol in check. Also, they are heart-healthy and safeguard your heart. So, eat a couple of ounces of nuts daily.

-Strawberries, citrus fruits, apples, and grapes

Packed with pectin, which is a type of soluble fibre, these healthy fruits help minimize your bad cholesterol.

-Vegetable Oils

In place of butter, adding sunflower, canola, or safflower oil in your cooking preparations can help lower your LDL.

-Okra and eggplant

These low-calorie vegetables have plenty of soluble fibre, so they help in weight management as well as reduce cholesterol naturally.

How Does Health Total’s Cholesterol Management Plan Works?

Health Total’s integrated approach is easy-to-follow. Our high cholesterol Indian diet plan helps to reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglycerides, meet your nutritional needs, and boost high-density lipoprotein (HDL). We believe in implementing 3 vital lifestyle components – a healthy cholesterol diet plan, herbal therapy, and regular moderate exercise to stay hale and hearty. Here are some easy yet highly effective ways our health experts provide to reduce cholesterol naturally.

  • Personalised food plan

    Our expert dieticians develop a customised cholesterol diet plan that caters to your specific cholesterol regulation needs.

  • Heart-friendly recipes

    Health Total’s diet chart for cholesterol control includes heart-healthy recipes and foods that are easily available, affordable, and tasty to eat.

  • Supplements and Ayurveda herbs

    The integration of Ayurvedic herbs helps in reducing your cholesterol naturally.

  • Homeopathy for self-healing

    Homeopathic remedies boost your immunity, correct the internal imbalances or underlying conditions, and help you heal from within.

  • Light or moderate exercise

    Practicing light exercises, such as daily jogging, 30 to 40-minute brisk walk, swimming, and other aerobic exercises, can help reduce cholesterol naturally.

Browsing the web for natural, effective ways to control your cholesterol? Health Total is the right place to get an individualized low cholesterol diet plan from our pool of expert dieticians. Our cholesterol diet plans help regulate your cholesterol without taking a toll on your health. Additionally, our certified nutritionists ensure that your diet chart for cholesterol control comprises heart-healthy foods to keep the risk of cardiovascular diseases at bay while meeting your nutritional needs. Be quick, and get in touch with us to begin your cholesterol control journey smoothly with our effective low cholesterol diet plans.

Health Total Brings Together The Best For You

Qualified and Experienced nutritionists and doctors
We follow a 4-step process scientific process of Detox + Rejuvenate + Nourish + Maintain
Natural nutritional therapy
Ayurveda to heal and balance
Homeopathy to promote self-healing, boost immunity and eliminate health issues from the root
Support and motivation at every step