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Breathe Easy With Customised Asthma Diet Plans

Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the airways in your lungs adversely. The affected airways swell and turn narrow, produce excess mucous, and cause discomforting asthma symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing, pain or tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. Of the 1.5 to 2 crores asthma patients, at least 1 in every 10 asthma affected individuals globally resides in Indian. For some individuals, asthma symptoms are minor and the condition is a mere nuisance. For many people, asthma is a major health issue with intense asthma symptoms hampering their routine activities and making them vulnerable to a life-threatening asthma attack. So, seeking the best treatment for asthma and following an effective asthma diet becomes the need of the hour for asthma patients. At Health Total, we realise the importance of diet and nutrition in alleviating asthma symptoms in adults. Our health experts work to offer you effective integrated treatment comprising the best asthma patient diet, homeopathy, and Ayurvedic remedies.

Our team of nutritionists follow a unique scientific approach to develop a personalized asthma care plan to help improve your lung health and obtain immense respiratory relief while meeting all your health and nutritional needs. These asthma diets comprise a combination of nutritious and anti-inflammatory healthy foods that nourish you. Our customised bronchial asthma treatments are powered by Ayurveda and Homeopathy to relieve you of asthma symptoms and asthma attacks, strengthen your lugs, help you heal from within, and improve your overall health and quality of life. Personalized asthma treatment in homeopathy, which our health experts offer you, focus on identifying the underly cause of asthma. Here’s a quick rundown of the common causes of asthma.

Causes of Asthma Symptoms:

Even though it’s not yet clear why some individuals suffer from asthma while others don’t, certain environmental, genetic factors, and hygienic factors are believed to cause asthma symptoms. Let’s have a look at the potential factors that can make one suffer from an asthma attack.

  • Genetics: If one or both the parents suffer from asthma, you are at high risk of developing it.
  • Respiratory infections: These infections can be bronchitis, pneumonia, and influenza.
  • Exposure to air pollutants and irritants. For instance, smoke.
  • Airborne allergens that may include dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and mould spores
  • Physical exertion
  • Stress
  • Certain medications: These may include NSAIDs and beta-blockers.
  • Foods that trigger asthma:Foods containing sulphites and preservatives may trigger asthma discomforts. For instance, packaged potatoes, shrimp, dried vegetables and fruits, and pickled foods.
  • GERD, a health condition in whichstomach acid flows back into your throat.

Breathe Easy With Customised Asthma Diet

Spirometry and peak flow are common asthma diagnosis tests that help diagnose the respiratory condition and help plan bronchial asthma treatment. While a permanent cure for asthma in Ayurveda or any other medical science can be a challenge, you can certainly control asthma symptoms with an asthma care plan comprising the best asthma treatment in Ayurveda, homeopathy for asthma, asthma diet, and suitable moderate and breathing exercises.

What Are The Best Dietary Tips In Bronchial Asthma Treatment?

Diet plays a crucial role in improving your lung health, thereby minimizing your asthma symptoms. The intake of the right healthy foods and nutrients not only offers you an energy boost to stay active throughout the day but also strengthens your immune system and enhances your overall health including your lung health.

Regular intake of the essential nutrients and anti-inflammatory foods by following our asthma diet chart helps asthma patients breathe easier, alleviates asthma symptoms incredibly, and supports lung function. So, our dieticians formulate a customised asthma patient diet coupled with Ayurveda and homeopathy for asthma to keep asthma in control, minimize respiratory discomfort, nourishes you, and improve your overall health and quality of life. Here are some helpful asthma patient diet tips that can help regulate asthma symptoms.

  1. Eat Right to maintain Optimum Weight:


Being obese or overweight can make asthma symptoms in adults to turn worse. So, our certified dieticians recommend losing an excess of weight and maintaining a healthy weight by eating the right nutritious foods for asthma. This helps improve your relief in asthma symptoms for a prolonged period.

  1. Have Plenty of Vegetables and Fruits:


Fresh vegetables and fruits are abundant in antioxidants such as Vitamin C, E, A, and beta carotene, which help minimize the inflammation and swelling in the lungs resulting due to free radicals. So, add plenty of carrots, apples, bananas, leafy greens, and other nutritious foods to your diet when following asthma attack treatment.

  1. Get Vitamin D:

Individuals having severe asthma symptoms may have a deficiency of vitamin D. Having healthy levels of vitamin D is beneficial in asthma treatment for relief. Add eggs, milk, and fish that comprise vitamin D. Also, spending some time in the sun can help increase your vitamin D levels.


  1. Say No to Allergy-triggering Foods:

Allergic response to the intake of certain foods can trigger asthma symptoms. If you are allergic to any foods, avoiding them in your asthma diet can prove to be one of the best medicines for asthma and allergies.


  1. Avoid Sulphites:

The consumption of foods containing sulphites as a preservative can trigger discomforting asthma symptoms in some individuals. So, our health experts suggest that frozen shrimp, dried veggies and fruits, pickles, and processed foods are foods to avoid with asthma


  1. Consume Magnesium Abundant Foods:

The mineral magnesium plays a crucial role in supporting lung function. It helps minimize lung inflammation, relax bronchial muscles, and expands airways, thereby promoting a smooth flow of air in and out of the lungs. So, our expert dieticians include foods abundant in magnesium in your Indian diet for asthma patients. Eat spinach, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, and salmon.

How Does Health Total’s Asthma Care Plan Works?

Health Total has designed a unique four-step scientific approach for formulating the treatment for asthma in adults. Our four-step approach targeting permanent treatment for asthma include detoxification, rejuvenation, nourishing your body with healthy foods, and dietary measures to maintain the achieved positive outcomes for a long span. Our expert nutritionists work on designing personalized asthma care plans catering to your particular respiratory conditions and health needs.

Our team of health experts offer an integrated treatment comprising nutritious foods for asthma, Ayurvedic Indian home remedies for asthma, and homeopathy treatment. We believe in carrying out complete consultation of the patient to identify the root cause of asthma symptoms. Accordingly, our nutritionists develop a diet plan for asthma comprising healthy foods. We take care you stay away from foods to avoid with asthma. We also suggest mild exercises and breathing exercises to improve your lung function and capacity while overcoming asthma. Here’s a brief idea of our four-step scientific approach and integrated approach for asthma treatment.

  1. Detoxification:

    Our expert nutritionists design individualized asthma dietscomprising healthy foods that help flush out toxins, minimize the inflammation of airways, and promote lung function.

  2. Nutrients Abundant Personalized Asthma Diet:

    At Health Total, experienced dieticians develop a customised asthma diet chartcomprising anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidants-rich, and other nutrient-dense foods to rejuvenate and nourish you. Our asthma diet plan promotes your lung health and improves its functioning, thereby minimizing asthma symptoms incredibly.

  3. Homeopathy for Asthma

    : Asthma treatment in homeopathy works on identifying and correcting the root cause of your asthma. It promotes self-healing which offers you long-term to permanent relief from asthma.

  4. Ayurvedic Remedies:

    Our integrated scientific approach also recommends Ayurvedic Indian home remedies for asthmaand Ayurvedic herbs that help strengthen your lungs, aid you in getting rid of cough, and improve your breathing and lung health. Ayurvedic asthma attack treatment eases asthma episodes of the patients and helps them enjoy immense relief naturally.

  5. Mild to Moderate Exercises:

    Depending on the severity of your asthma symptoms, we also believe in practising regular mild to moderate exercise along with bronchial asthmatreatment, as it helps improve your breathing and lungs’ capacity, improves blood circulation, and promotes relief and overall good health. Inculcate deep breathing techniques, such as pranayama, swimming, and yoga.

Browsing the web for natural, side-effect free asthma treatment? Health Total is the right place to heal naturally. Our nutritionist and health experts offer you a personalized bronchial asthma treatment that improves your lung health and function and offers relief from discomforting respiratory symptoms. While you receive the best treatment for asthma, our asthma care plan also focuses on nourishing your body, meeting all your health needs, and improving your quality of life. Be quick, get in touch with us online or over a call, and put a step forward to breathe easy and enjoy a healthy life with our personalized asthma treatment.

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