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Water retention, no more!

Most women seem to suffer from water retention which affects the way they feel, the way they look and also their weight. Water retention could show up in the hands, feet, face, ankles, under the eyes, abdominal region, breasts etc. It happens due to various reasons. It could be due to minor reasons like, intake of too much salt, sugar, white rice, white flour (maida), dals, low proteins, low hemoglobin, and major reasons like congestive heart failure, adrenal exhaustion, allergic reactions, deficiencies of B1, B6, reneal problems, premenstrual tension, or due to intake of medication like oral contraceptives, painkillers and other medicines.

Instead of going in for diuretics, it is wiser to find and eliminate the underlying cause. The major causes of edema (fluid retention) need medical intervention.


  1. Reduce intake of salt and sugar. Over indulgence in sugar, produces more insulin, which makes the body retain sodium. When sodium is retained in the body, it causes water retention.
  2. TIPS TO PREVENT WATER RETENTIONIncrease intake of proteins in your diet like sprouted moong, whole pulses, paneer, tofu, fish, eggs and low fat curd.
  3. Check your hemoglobin. If it is low, you could take an iron supplement along with a B-complex. If it is normal you could increase your intake of fruits and leafy vegetables.
  4. Cut out products made from refined flour completely. These include regular biscuits (which are made from maida), naan, rumali roti, burgers, pizza, white bread, cakes and pastries.
  5. TIPS TO PREVENT WATER RETENTIONIncrease intake of vitamin C. The best dietary sources include guava, capsicum, oranges, sweet lime, tomatoes, pineapple, sour lime and cabbage.
  6. If you know that eating a certain food causes fluid retention in you, avoid it.
  7. Vitamin B6 has been found to lessen symptoms of premenstrual tension and draw off extra body water. The best dietary sources of B6 are whole wheat, brown rice, soya beans, alfalfa sprouts, wheat bran, whole pulses and green peas.

(As published in Hindustan Times dated December 06, 2019)

December 9, 2019

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