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Homeopathy Treatment for Alopecia Areata and Health Plans

Alopecia areata is one of the common autoimmune disorders which causes patchy hair loss. The affected individual may experience a sudden loss of hair with one or more round bald patches, which may even overlap. When your immune system mistakenly attacks your hair follicles, you experience hair loss due to alopecia areata. The unpleasant condition may affect anyone regardless of gender and age. The amount of loss of hair is different in every affected individual. In India, over a million individuals suffer from this unpleasant autoimmune condition. Hair is a crucial part of our appearance that imparts positive self-esteem and confidence. So, it’s necessary to treat alopecia areata effectively to prevent it from hampering your appearance. Fortunately, following the right diet and nutrition can help you manage hair loss and other alopecia areata symptoms. While you may find several topical applications, the right diet helps you manage the condition naturally and safely without any side effects. Health Total realises the crucial role of diet and nutrition in managing the autoimmune disorder and works to offer you customised alopecia areata treatment that helps reduce the inflammation, increase blood circulation to your hair shaft, eliminate the triggers of the condition, improve your hair health, nourish you, and promote smooth healing. So, let’s have a look at what causes, symptoms, and types of alopecia areata are and how to manage the condition with the right diet involving alopecia areata treatment.

What Are Causes, Symptoms, and Types of Alopecia Areata?

Causes of Alopecia Areata

Hair follicles are the structures responsible for the growth of your hair. When your immune system attacks these healthy hair follicles mistakenly, you suffer from alopecia areata. The hair follicles turn smaller and curb producing hair, thereby resulting in hair loss. Even though the exact cause of alopecia areata is not yet known, it is believed to occur in individuals who have a family history of autoimmune health conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes. Here’s a list of some of the common alopecia areata causes.

You might be at risk of developing alopecia areata if you happen to have:

  • A family member suffering from alopecia areata symptoms.
  • Thyroid disease
  • Vitiligo
  • Asthma
  • Pernicious anaemia

Symptoms of Alopecia Areata

Although hair loss is the marked symptom of the condition, you may also experience these alopecia areata symptoms.

  • Excessive hair loss in a short period.
  • Your scalp or any other body part may develop small bald patches. The bald skin patches are often smooth with no rash; however, you may feel the burning, tingling, and itching on the skin before the hair falls out.
  • The bald patches may grow together and turn bigger into a bald spot.
  • Re-growth of hair in one spot, but hair falls out in another spot.
  • Greater loss of hair in the cold weather
  • Toenails and fingernails may turn brittle, pitted, and red when, in alopecia areata, nailsare affected.

Types of Alopecia Areata

There are various types of alopecia areata, and each type has characteristic symptoms of hair loss. Let’s have a look at them.

  1. Alopecia Areata (Patchy): The development of one or more coin-sized bald patches on the scalp or any part of the body is the characteristic symptom of this type of alopecia. The spread of alopecia areata leads to alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis.
  2. Alopecia Totalis: When a person experiences a complete loss of hair across the scalp, the condition is called alopecia totalis.
  3. Alopecia Universalis: Besides the complete loss of hair on the scalp, the individual with alopecia universalis also experiences hair loss on the face i.e. loss of hair forming eyebrows and eyelashes. This type of alopecia can also cause the loss of all hair on the entire body, including the hair on the chest, pubic area, back, etc. Alopecia areata beard area affected cases also come in this type of alopecia. Seeking alopecia universalis treatment may help manage the condition.
  4. Diffuse Alopecia Areata: In this type of alopecia, you may experience unexpected and sudden thinning of the hair on your entire scalp and not just in a particular patch or area. It may appear more like a male or female pattern hair loss.
  5. Ophiasis Alopecia: This type of alopecia is characterised by hair loss in the band pattern along the sides and the lower back of your scalp.

Our experienced dieticians and health experts specialize in following a unique scientific approach to creating a customised treatment for alopecia tailored to your specific symptoms, type of alopecia, and health needs. We aim at providing you with the best results by mitigating your inflammation and irritation, promoting hair tissue repair and growth, increasing the blood supply to the hair shaft, and managing the condition naturally with the right diet. Our personalized best treatment for alopecia areata is powered by Ayurveda and Homeopathy such that it helps reduce the inflammatory response, alleviate the irritation, manage alopecia areata symptoms, promote hair health, and nourish you. Our alopecia areata homeopathic treatment also addresses the underlying causes of the condition, promotes self-healing, and improves your immunity and overall health.

What Are The Best Diet Plans For Treating Alopecia Areata?

Hair is an integral part of your appearance; it boosts your confidence and helps reflect your positive self-esteem. Hair loss due to alopecia areata can be detrimental to your confidence. In females, alopecia areata can hamper their confidence and affect them psychologically as hair is a crucial part of women’s appearance. Hair is one of the body parts that receive the nutrition last. We understand this, so our health experts develop personalized alopecia areata treatment with a diet that contain all essential nutrients that your hair needs to grow healthy and thick. Eating wrong foods may trigger an autoimmune response and worsen the symptoms of alopecia areata. So, our expert dieticians ensure that your diet treatment of alopecia areata does not consist the foods that cause inflammation and can be harmful to your hair health.

We also specialize in offering an integrated treatment plan comprising not just diet but also homeopathy for alopecia and alopecia areata Ayurvedic treatment. Based on your physical symptoms, psychological health, genetic predisposition, underlying health conditions, medical history, and other necessary conditions, we formulate customised alopecia areata homeopathic treatment and Ayurvedic solutions that help manage your condition, nourish your hair, promote your hair tissue repair and regrowth, improve blood circulation to your hair shaft, and enhance your hair health. Our personalized diet comprises all essential nutrients, such as vitamin C, zinc, thiamine, biotin, antioxidants, and proteins, among others, to help you receive the best alopecia areata natural treatment. Check out some of the best foods for managing alopecia areata symptoms.

  1. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Adding nutritious, fresh vegetables and fruits to your regular diet can help manage the condition while nourishing you. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, and consuming them can help reduce inflammation which is responsible for the alopecia areata symptoms. So, we recommend adding apples, apricot, broccoli, pineapple, strawberries, and spinach, among others to your diet treatment for alopecia.
  2. Nuts: Omega-3 fatty acids in nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts, help in minimizing the inflammation in your body and managing alopecia areata symptoms. So, we recommend eating nuts when suffering from alopecia. You can munch on nuts between your meals or any other time of the day.
  3. Healthy Oils: When suffering from alopecia, your scalp turns dry, and dry scalp is unable to grow new hair. The use of good oils prevents the scalp from turning dry in alopecia areata in womenand men. Also, healthy fats in the diet help mitigate the harmful inflammatory response in your body. So, our health experts suggest adding avocado oil, canola oil, organic cold-pressed coconut oil, and olive oil to your diet. Also, omega-3 fatty acids in healthy oils are beneficial for managing the condition. The oleic acid in these oils contains omega-9 fatty acid, which helps reduce inflammation.
  1. Onions: Being a rich source of antioxidants, onions help in alleviating the inflammation in your body and managing the symptoms of alopecia. Also, the intake of onions reduces cholesterol and the risk of heart-related ailments. Our certified nutritionists recommend adding raw onions to your salads, sandwiches, and other food preparations. Also, onion is one of the best alopecia areata home remedies, as the topical application of fresh onion juice on the scalp improves blood circulation and enhance hair growth.
  2. Garlic: Another natural food good for hair growth is garlic. So, alopecia areata treatment with garliccan help manage the unpleasant hair loss symptoms. Raw garlic contains abundant vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium, and manganese that help you have healthy hair. So, add it to your regular cooking preparations.
  3. Fish: Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, fish is healthy food for improving your hair health while alleviating the symptoms of alopecia. Abundant proteins and omega-3 fatty acids in fish nourish you and help you have good hair health.
  4. Proteins: Protein is the key component of our hair, rather our hair is made up of proteins. So, we emphasize adding protein abundant foods, such as beans, milk, eggs, seafood, and sprouts, to your diet for alopecia areata treatment.
  5. Probiotics: The intake of probiotics is effective in mitigating inflammation and helping you have healthy bacteria in the gut. Also, probiotics can help in enhancing the microbiome of your skin and reversing the loss of hair to some extent. Adding probiotics to your diet helps prevent the worsening of alopecia areata symptoms. Include yoghurt in your diet as it is a rich source of probiotics.

Foods To Avoid When Managing Alopecia Areata

While you require nutritious foods to have healthy hair and alleviate the symptoms of alopecia, you also need to eliminate certain foods from your diet. Here’s a list of foods that can harm your hair health so you should avoid them in your diet for alopecia areata treatment.

  1. Excessive Caffeine: Even though caffeine is known to be a good hair growth stimulant when you use it topically, its consumption is not good for individuals having hormone issues. Caffeine can be harmful to people having high or low levels of cortisol. So, we recommend avoiding having excess caffeine.
  2. Certain Dairy Products: At times, dairy products such as milk can trigger an immune response that can aggravate alopecia areata symptoms. So, if any dairy product is worsening your alopecia symptoms, avoid consuming it.
  3. Nightshade Vegetables: The consumption of nightshade plant foods can trigger inflammation. So, our health experts suggest excluding or limiting nightshades, such as tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants, in your diet when suffering from alopecia areata.
  4. Polyunsaturated Fats: Certain oils, such as sunflower oil and corn oil, contain polyunsaturated fats which are not healthy for you. So, avoid having them in your diet. We recommend you consume steamed food rather than having fried culinary delights.
  5. Sugar: Excess intake of sugar can lead to inflammation in your body. So, our dieticians suggest you avoid sugar. A very small quantity of honey instead of sugar can be a healthier option.

How Does Health Total’s Alopecia Areata Management Plan Works?

Health Total has expertise in following a unique integrated approach for alopecia areata treatment with the right diet, homeopathy, and Ayurveda. Our unique integrated treatment for alopecia areata is easy-to-follow and works effectively in reducing inflammation in your body, promoting good hair health, improving your blood circulation to the hair shaft, and promoting repair and regrowth of hair tissue. Our customised alopecia areata homeopathic treatment and Ayurvedic treatment promote natural healing in your body from within that boosts your immunity while managing the undesirable symptoms of alopecia. Our four-step unique technique helps you detox, rejuvenates you, nourishes you, and enables you to have healthy hair with sustainable positive results. Let’s have a quick glimpse at how we offer you unique, natural, and effective alopecia areata treatment.

  • Personalized Diet for Alopecia Areata: Our certified nutritionists develop a personalized diet plan containing nutritious foods that reduce the inflammatory response in your body to alleviate alopecia areata symptoms. Our health experts consider your specific symptoms and nutritional needs and create customised diet treatments for alopecia areata to help you enjoy the best benefits and good hair health.
  • Supplements and Herbal Therapy: Our certified nutritionists consider your particular nutritional needs and prescribe you the necessary nutrient supplements and herbal solutions to help you enjoy the best outcomes. You may experience alopecia areata regrowth signs of hair with natural treatment. Our herbal therapy not just promotes good hair health but also helps improve your overall health.
  • Homeopathy for Self-Healing: Our health experts offer you customised alopecia areata homeopathic treatment that addresses the underlying cause of your condition and promotes self-healing naturally. It helps minimize inflammation in your body, promote healthy hair, and improve your immunity.
  • Moderate Exercise for Hair Health: Performing some exercises, such as yoga poses, can help improve your hair health.  Headstand yoga pose and downward-facing dog pose are some yoga exercises that help promote blood circulation to the head and boost your hair health. Also, scalp massage, jogging, breathing exercises, and neck exercises can promote blood circulation to your head and promote good hair health.

Are you frustrated thinking about how to stop alopecia areata from spreading? Health Total is the right place to receive individualized alopecia areata treatment with the right diet, homeopathy, and Ayurveda. Our team of expert dieticians help improve your hair health and overall well-being with the right foods and by eliminating unhealthy foods from your diet. Our diet plans help reduce the inflammatory response in your body and manage alopecia areata symptoms naturally. Our customised health plans with diet, homeopathy, and alopecia areata Ayurvedic treatment addresses the underlying cause of the condition, help you heal from within, and promote good hair health. Additionally, our personalized treatment for alopecia areata improves your immunity and promotes overall good health without taking a toll on your health. So, be quick, get in touch with us at Health Total and put a step forward to have healthy hair with our customised alopecia areata treatment.

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