foods for acid reflux

Diet for Acidity to Fight Acid Reflux

If you’re experiencing a bitter taste in the mouth, feeling chest pain or nauseous, or have a sore throat and there’s no apparent health issue for these symptoms, then you might be suffering from acid reflux.
Acid reflux happens when the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES) is weak and cannot hold back the stomach acid from flowing back into the food pipe. This results in what is commonly known as acidity or heartburn.
While acid reflux can be the result of certain health issues like hiatal hernia, stomach tumors or ulcers, and prolonged medication, it can also occur due to a poor lifestyle and unhealthy food choices. Stress, obesity, consuming spicy food, drinking excessive alcohol, sodas and coffee, and smoking, are some of the main factors that cause heartburn.
So, if the doctors have ruled out other health issues as the causes for acidity, it is time to re-evaluate and modify your lifestyle and dietary habits. It is not that difficult to do, trust us! A customized diet for GERD along with a diet plan for weight loss can be beneficial to ease your gastrointestinal discomfort, manage your weight, and improve your overall health.

The Health Total integrated approach combines the benefits of the right diet and a simple exercise routine with the power of Ayurveda and Homeopathy to heal the body from within. What’s more, you can start correcting your diet immediately by consuming food and drinks that help in acid reflux management. Do you know which is the best fruit juice for acidity?

So, you might be wondering what to eat in acidity or which is the best fruit juice for acidity, which juice is best for Gerd, or which fruit juice is best for gastric, aren’t you? Check out some of the best fruit juice for acidity and foods that help soothe acid reflux throat discomfort and other heartburn symptoms effortlessly.

Sign up for a FREE consultation to find out how you can manage the symptoms of acidity with the Health Total Acidity management plan! Here are some of the best drinks and foods that help acid reflux and heartburn go away–

Request an Appointment.

muskmelon to reduce acidity

Foods and Drinks for Acid Reflux

Here is a list of foods to eat with acid reflux to obtain gastrointestinal relief and improve your digestive health and overall health. If you’re wondering which juice is good for acidity, read on. Including juice for acidity relief in your diet can help alleviate symptoms and promote better digestion.

1. Muskmelon

Muskmelon is a delicious and cool fruit that helps reduce acidity. The fibre, antioxidants and beta-carotene in muskmelon help heal the stomach and reduce the symptoms of acidity.

2. Honey

Honey’s antibacterial properties not only help provide relief from the symptoms of stomach acid, but they also reduce the burning sensation caused by heartburn. So, it is one of the healthy foods to reduce acidity. Drink a glass of warm water with honey in the morning to start your day on a healthy note

3. Yoghurt

Yoghurt contains probiotics that help digestion. It also has a cool effect on the stomach, thus providing relief from the inflammation caused by acidity. You can either consume plain yoghurt or mix it with some non-citrus fruits like bananas, peaches, and strawberries and make a tasty smoothie!

4. Ginger Tea

Next time you feel acid reflux symptoms, chest pain or a burning sensation make yourself a nice cup of ginger tea. You can also replace the regular sugar with honey to make the tea and get instant relief from acidity.

5. Oatmealoatmeal to reduce acidity

Oatmeal consists of whole grains which are a great source of fibre, antioxidants, folic acid and vitamin B6. It helps in absorbing the acid from other food. Make oatmeal for breakfast to get instant relief from acidity. You can also include it in your weight loss diet plan


6. Non-citrus Fruits and Vegetable Juices

Non-citrus fruits and vegetables like carrots, beetroots, watermelon, cucumber, melon, berries and apple are low in acidic content. These drinks are easy to make, so the next time you feel heartburn just get yourself a glass of one of these juicy delights!
Know more about the foods that trigger heartburn

7. Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera leaves are a good source of water and alkaline content. Both these things help in providing relief from the acidity of the stomach. To include this superfood in your diet, you can either drink aloe vera juice directly or mix it with other non-citrus fruit juices.

8. Cabbage

cabbage to reduce acidity

The phytonutrient compounds in cabbage help in treating ulcers and in reducing acidity. For managing the symptoms of acidity, include this vegetable in your diet in the form of juice, salad, or a cooked vegetable. Being low in calories, cabbage is a healthy food even for weight loss. So, you can include it in your diet chart for weight loss.

9. Lean Meat

Turkey, chicken and fish are some examples of lean meat. These low-fat foods help in acidity management and are healthy and tasty too!

10. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes take time to digest which makes them an ideal source to absorb the extra acid content in your stomach.

11. Gum

Yes, we are talking about chewing gum. It helps create saliva and causes you to swallow more. This helps reduce the acid in your oesophagus. But, excessive use of gum can be bad for health, so don’t overdo it!

12. Almondsalmonds to reduce acidity

They are rich in proteins and fibre. Since almonds take time to digest, they help in reducing stomach acid.

13. Walnuts

Walnuts are packed with Omega 3, protein, potassium and healthy fats. They are also alkaline in nature, which helps in fighting acid reflux.

Foods to Avoid to Manage or Soothe Acid Reflux

While you eat these healthy foods to alleviate acid reflux, you also need to avoid certain foods that cause acid reflux. Check out the list of foods to avoid with acid reflux.


Avoid consuming foods that can worsen GERD or acid reflux symptoms. These include:

  • High-Fat Foods and Oils

    Foods high in fats may make the sphincter at the bottom of the oesophagus relax, cause acid reflux, and slow down the process of digestion.

  • Fatty Meat

    It contains high content of saturated fats. So, it’s one of the GERD foods to avoid.

  • High GI Foods

    Foods having a high glycaemic index are usually high in refined sugars which are not healthy.

  • Fried foods

  • Junk and fast food, pizza

  • Pepper and chilli powder

  • Potato chips and various other highly processed foods

  • Cheese

  • Citrus Fruits

The high content of citric acid can aggravate acid reflux and GERD symptoms. So, citrus fruits are counted in the list of foods to avoid with acid reflux.

  • Carbonated beverages

  • Peppermint

  • Chocolate

  • Tomato sauces

  • Alcohol

  • Caffeine

  • Spicy foods


Besides adding the right foods and drinks to your diet and avoiding foods that worsen acid reflux, try easy home remedies for acidity to get instant relief. Home remedies for heartburn and appropriate dietary measures can work wonders in improving your gastrointestinal relief. You can also get a personalized diet plan to manage symptoms of acidity Along with this, we also specialize in offering weight loss diet chart for males and weight loss diet plans for women that not only helps them stay in shape but also eliminates nutritional deficiencies and strengthens the immune system.


Call our toll-free  1-800-833-171709 to Book Free Consultation! with our health experts. Sign up for a FREE consultation to find out how you can manage the symptoms of acidity with the Health Total Acidity management plan!

Read More: Natural Ways to Get Rid of Acidity