
Tips to Reduce Blood Pressure

First of all stop whipping your body with stimulants such as coffee, tobacco, and alcohol. Along with managing stress and losing weight, one needs to follow dietary corrections that help reduce blood pressure.

How to Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally

Below given the tips to reduce blood pressure naturally.

Eat More Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits are concentrated with potassium, Vitamin C, sodium, and loads of soluble fiber, all of which are blood pressure lowering agents.


Garlic is known as a vasodilator. It dilates blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. It contains adenosine, a compound, which promotes vasodilatation and is also a muscle relaxant. Both raw and cooked garlic benefit blood pressure. But raw garlic is more potent and hence proves to be more beneficial.

Wheatgrass Juice

This proves to be the elixir for those suffering from hypertension, as it is a rich source of magnesium and potassium Once you start getting enough magnesium and potassium, you can actually cut down on the dosage of your medicine. In addition, Wheatgrass juice will cleanse and nourish your body, and work wonders on your immune system.


This vegetable is widely used in Chinese medicine to reduce blood pressure when used continuously for a couple of months.


Fish oils are known to keep a lid on blood pressure. Thanks to the Omega-3 fats in it. If you are taking blood pressure lowering medication, then consuming fish like mackerel (bangda), Tuna and Surmai at least thrice a week will help you reduce your daily dosage.

Eat Less Salt

You don’t have to embark on a no-salt diet. Sodium restriction may help only if you are salt sensitive. Adding minerals like magnesium, calcium and potassium, and losing weight will make a substantial difference. Instead of going to extremes, you can eat less salt along with the other alterations.

Avoid Sugar

Sugar raises insulin levels, and high blood levels of insulin often accompany high blood pressure.

Stop Smoking

Tobacco directly affects blood pressure. It increases clot formation and risk of precipitating a heart attack or stroke.

Potassium for Reducing BP

Introduce potassium to your diet and watch your blood pressure come down. A lack of it can lead to increased sodium retention, calcium loss and raise blood pressure. Potassium helps normalize blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels and helping the body to get rid of the excess water and salt.

Sources of Potassium

Fruits such as banana, papaya, watermelon, muskmelon and peaches. Potatoes, tomatoes, oranges, spinach, skimmed milk, soybeans, almonds, whole grains, pulses and freshly prepared vegetable juices are excellent sources. People suffering from hypertension along with poor kidneys need to control their potassium intake as per their physician’s advice.


Experts believe that hypertension is more likely due to a deficiency of calcium rather than due to excess sodium. Consuming adequate amounts of calcium-rich foods like milk, curds, spinach, leafy vegetables, whole kabuli channa, methi, jowar, bajra and nachni can neutralise the hypertensive effect of eating more sodium.


Magnesium deficiency is yet another cause behind high blood pressure. Most people need a daily dosage of about 300-400 mg to keep their BP in check. Natural sources of magnesium include nuts, whole grains, wheat bran and leafy vegetables.


Walking is the ideal exercise for hypertensive people. Lose weight if you are overweight as weight loss has an almost immediate effect on controlling blood pressure.

Managing BP

While some people may require medication to keep their blood pressure under control, most can lower it through changes in diet and lifestyle. Losing weight, consuming specific vitamins, and minerals and proper stress management helps to combat hypertension. Any drug that you take has a direct bearing on your state of health. So, why not reduce your need for drugs by making wise food and lifestyle changes?

June 15, 2016

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