
Healthy Weight Loss Tips

The liver is an organ which plays an important role in the process of weight loss. In case your liver is unable to metabolize fat adequately, it gets stored around your waistline. Thus, the regular detoxification of liver is necessary for it to function at its best.

Lemon It Up!

Lemon is particularly good for your weight loss as it enhances metabolism, aids digestion reduces the absorption of fat and toxic sugars.  After you get up in the morning, take the lemon and press out 1-2 spoons juice into the water.
  • Lemon water helps build up chemicals that detoxify your liver, so it may complete its essential functions efficiently.
  • While warm water is very good for burning fat. You can also add 2 teaspoons of pure honey and a pinch of freshly ground black pepper.
  • This drink should be consumed on an empty stomach regularly in the morning.
  • Don’t consume anything else for at least 30 minutes after drinking lemon water each morning.

With the ability to make you feel full for longer, as well as the ability to burn excess fat, the combination of honey and lemon will create the perfect weapon against weight gain and help you shed off those excess kilos effectively.

May 2, 2016

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